
account_disabled Avatar


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Post by account_disabled on Apr 17, 2024 22:27:23 GMT -8

增加轉換率和收入 增強品牌信任與忠誠度 內容行銷的獨特之處在於它提供長期結果。例如,經過充分研究、相關且引人注目的資訊圖表將持續獲得數週或數月的社交分享。同樣,一本全面且有價值的電子書即使在出版多年後也會產生潛在客戶。 劇本橫幅 強大且執行良好的內容行銷策略可提供極高的投資報酬率,並確保您獲得最大的回報。 既然您已經意識到製定內容行銷策略的巨大好處,您一定渴望建立內容行銷策略。 在開始之前,讓我們先來看看內容行銷服務經常使用的一些經過嘗試和測試的技巧。 內容行銷服務使用的主要技巧 如果您為企業主提供內容行銷服務,您可能已經熟悉最新的最佳實務。儘管如此,關注其他內容行銷服務公司正在部署的策略總是有幫助的。雖然實現內容行銷成功沒有任何捷徑,但您可以使用某些技巧來提高內容的效果。 從重新利用現有內容到利用訪客部落格 - 您可以使用各種技術來加強您的內容行銷策略。話不多說,讓我們直接進入最佳內容行銷技巧。

擇正確的主題 大多數內容行銷服務機構都會同意,您為內 澳洲行動數據 容選擇的主題決定了其未來。您不能在任何隨機主題上發佈內容並期望它找到立足點。無論您是在撰寫部落格文章還是設計資訊圖表,您都必須確定能引起目標受眾共鳴的主題。確定最新趨勢並利用有可能像病毒一樣傳播的主題也很重要。 但如何找到能夠立即引起關注的主題呢? 最簡單的解決方案是詢問你的聽眾。如果您的品牌已經在社群媒體上活躍,您應該定期進行受眾民意調查。同樣,如果您有郵件資料庫,您可以要求您的訂閱者參與線上調查。 內容行銷服務民意調查 圖片來源:HubSpot 您甚至可以在社群媒體個人資料上舉辦即時問答環節,直接與觀眾互動。我們的想法是更深入地探討他們的想法,以了解他們的需求、偏好、願望和痛點。 此外,您必須留意部落格和社交媒體貼文的評論部分。您的讀者/追蹤者經常在評論中表達他們的擔憂和掙扎。這也是了解受眾如何看待您的內容的好方法。

也建議您確定跨各種分發管道表現最好的內容。這些主題已經引起了觀眾的共鳴,並且很可能在未來產生巨大的成果。考慮如何將表現最佳的內容資產重新調整為其他格式。 您應該密切注意主要競爭對手的內容策略。查看他們正在使用的主題,並注意現有內容中的差距/漏洞。您還應該分析他們的受眾對其內容的反應。這是一種識別當前適合您的利基市場的主題的簡單方法。您可以使用Buffer等工具來尋找特定主題獲得的社交分享數量。 最後,關注您所在行業的最新趨勢和新聞非常重要。利用這些趨勢可以快速擴大您的影響力並將您的品牌打造為行業權威。當您使用此類熱門主題時,您的內容甚至有可能像病毒一樣傳播。您可以使用Google Trends和Answer The Public來發現您的利基市場中當前和新興的趨勢。 現在您已經有了大量精彩內容創意和主題的列表,是時候開始創建精彩內容了。
Installation Customization
Welcome to the help dialog for the Custom Mini-Profile Creator plugin!

Click on any of the tabs above to go through the plugin configuration process!

You can access this menu at any time by clicking on the icon in the bottom right bar (may not be applicable if you're on Forums.net), or you can disable the welcome window and/or the icon by going to Plugins > Manage > Custom Mini-Profile Creator and changing the Show Help option.
This step is essential as it gives the plugin everything it needs on the page to get as much profile information as possible.

To make the profile variables work you'll need to add a new line to the very end of Themes > Layout Templates > Mini-Profile and paste the code below on it. The code should be placed completely outside of the mini-profile, so if you're using the default mini-profile template this will be after the very last closing </div> tag. This needs to be done on every theme you have the plugin enabled on as the template is theme-specific.

If your mini-profile template is already customized and you've hit the variable limit for your template you're free to remove any lines from the code below if they contain information that you don't plan on using. For example, if you have no plans to ever add a user's IP to their mini-profile for staff reference you can remove <div class="mp-info ip">$[user.ip]</div> from the code and everything else will still work just fine.

Click to show example

Once you've added the HTML from the Layout Templates tab you're ready to move on to building your mini-profiles. If you want to get going and try some out now or you're not very adept at HTML, CSS, or Javascript, worry not! This plugin includes some examples for you to try out. You're free to skip to the Custom Profile Fields tab and read over this tab later when you're ready to build your own.

Here's a quick rundown of each of the components in Plugins > Manage > Custom Mini-Profile Creator:

This is the name you'll be adding to your custom profile field dropdown once you've finished coding the mini-profile. Pretty self-explanatory. Make sure this name is unique from every other name you use for your mini-profiles or you'll end up overwriting the earlier ones in the list.

This is the HTML that will go inside your mini-profile. You can use just about any HTML tag here so long as it's appropriate for where the mini-profile is showing on the page. Please refrain from using <style> or <script> tags here. You have the next two sections for that! Also, remember that mini-profiles can show multiple times on the same page, so you shouldn't add ID attributes to any of your elements here. Two elements on the same page cannot have the same ID per HTML standards.

This is where you'll place what would normally go in your forum's style sheet or what would normally be between <style> tags. Try to code your mini-profile's HTML in a way that will allow you to target it specifically with your selectors. For example, you can surround all of the content in your HTML with a <div> element with a class and target that class and its child elements specifically with your CSS. That way you don't accidentally target every mini-profile on the page with CSS that was meant for the one you're building. One more thing: The forum theme's CSS still applies beforehand, so your mini-profile may look right in one theme but not in another. The best way to circumvent this is to define as many styles as you can to override the theme's CSS.

Anything that normally goes between <script> tags will go here. This one's a bit tricky since you'll obviously want to target the custom mini-profile specifically. Luckily there's an easy way to do that. In your statements you can use the $(this) variable to target the mini-profile if you're coding using jQuery. Otherwise, if you only plan on using standard Javascript you can target $(this)[0] instead.
Once you've finished building your mini-profiles it's finally time to add them to the Edit Profile page for use! To enable selection of custom mini-profiles you'll first need to add two specific custom profile fields in Members > Custom Profile Fields in your forum's admin area:

Mini-Profile Theme is for mini-profiles that are designed for member use. You can set the Who Can Edit option for this field to Staff With Power if you only want staff to be able to choose mini-profiles for users. Otherwise, if you want members to freely be able to choose their own mini-profiles you can choose Members and Staff With Power.

Staff Mini-Profile Theme is for mini-profiles designed specifically for staff use. This field is completely optional.

Set the type for both of these fields as Drop Down Selection. Click on the (View/Edit) link to add mini-profile names to each of these fields.

If you've just installed this plugin you should have three different mini-profiles already installed by default: Example 1, Example 2, and Example 3. You can add these to your dropdowns to test them out and see the plugin in action.

Click to show example

If you're having trouble getting this plugin to work despite following the instructions in the previous tabs you may want to check that each of your themes meets the prerequisites below in Themes > Layout Templates > Mini-Profile.

First, ensure that opening tag of your mini-profile template includes the $[miniprofile_class] variable in its class. On the default ProBoards theme it should look something like this:
<div class="$[miniprofile_class]">
Next, make sure that the default {foreach} loop for custom fields is present inside your mini-profile. It doesn't need to be visible, so you're free to add it inside a hidden element if you don't plan on displaying it or if it would mess up the appearance of your own custom template.
{foreach $[user.mini_custom_field]}
<br /><span class="$[user.mini_custom_field.content_class]">$[user.mini_custom_field.name]: $[user.mini_custom_field.value]</span>
Beyond that you can do whatever you like to the mini-profile template for the most part and it shouldn't negatively impact the plugin.
The following is a list of available variables for use in the HTML section of the mini-profile creator and their definitions. Adding any of these to a mini-profile will generate the content described in its definition in place of the variable so long as the information that variable outputs is visible to you.

To reference your forum's custom profile fields you can use $[user.customfieldname], substituting "customfieldname" with your custom field's name. You'll need to type the name in all lowercase with no spaces and only use characters A-Z and 0-9.

For example, Mini-Profile Theme becomes $[user.miniprofiletheme]. This will output the value of the custom field. In the case of this example, it'll be the name of the mini-profile theme you've chosen in your profile.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These will only work if you followed the steps in the Installation tab of this window on each of your themes. Any themes that do not include the template code specified there will not have these variables replaced in the mini-profile.

$[user] User's display name link.
$[user.age] User's age (if visible to you).
$[user.avatar] User's current avatar.
$[user.badges] User's list of badges.
$[user.birthday] User's date of birth (if visible to you).
$[user.color] Hex color of user's group. If user is not in a group this will return inherit.
$[user.custom_title] User's custom title.
$[user.email] User's email (if visible to you).
$[user.gender.image] Image associated with the gender selected in the user's profile (if available).
$[user.gender.text] Name of gender selected in the user's profile (if available).
$[user.group.name] Name of user's current display group.
$[user.group.stars] Star images associated with user's current display group.
$[user.id] User's numerical ID.
$[user.instant_messenger] User's list of instant messengers specified in their profile (if available).
$[user.invisible] Returns 1 if a user is invisible. More useful for Javascript.
$[user.ip] User's IP address (if visible to you).
$[user.is_online] Returns Member is Online if user is currently online.
$[user.is_staff] Returns 1 if a user is designated as staff. More useful for Javascript.
$[user.last_online] Timestamp showing when user was last online.
$[user.likes] Number of likes this user's posts have received.
$[user.location] Location specified in user's profile.
$[user.name] User's display name in plain text.
$[user.personal_text] User's most recent status.
$[user.posts] User's post count.
$[user.rank.name] User's current posting rank.
$[user.rank.stars] Star images associated with user's current posting rank.
$[user.registered_on] Timestamp showing the date/time the user registered on the forum.
$[user.registered_on_short] Condensed version of user's registration date.
$[user.social_network] User's list of social networks specified in their profile (if available).
$[user.username] Outputs the user's login username in plain text.
$[user.warning.bar] User's warning bar (if it exists).
$[user.warning.level] User's current warning level (if visible to you).
$[user.website] Website specified in user's profile.

You can utilize the $(this) variable in the Javascript component to target the mini-profile <div> element. For example, if you wanted to add a class to the mini-profile you can use:

Profile variables can also be used in the Javascript component in this plugin. In Javascript the value undefined is used to signify that a value doesn't exist for the variable you've specified. With this in mind you can use profile variables in Javascript conditional statements within the plugin similar to how they're used in the actual layout templates section of the admin area.

Example 1 (variable has value):
If the user has their group displayed in their profile the above Javascript would make the HTML below visible if you had it hidden with CSS.
<div class="group">$[user.group.name]<br />$[user.group.stars]</div>

Example 2 (variable has no value):
If the user's gender isn't visible the above Javascript would hide the gender icon generated by the HTML with the "gender" class below.
<div class="gender">$[user.gender.image]</div>